Research interests

地球はどのようにして今の姿になったのか? 宇宙に生命を宿す天体は存在するのか?
How can Earth be a habitable planet?  In there life beyond Earth in the Solar System?


         1)惑星化学  2)地球大気進化

My research keywords
include Planetary Chemistry (atmospheres, aqueous chemistry, climate, and geology) and Earth evolution (atmospheric redox, paleoclimate, Great Oxidation Event, and hydrological cycles).

We study surface environments that can support life in the Solar system, including Enceladus, Europa, Titan, and Mars. To understand the habitability in the Solar System and beyond, we need to develop a comprehensive understanding of chemistry on habitable planets/satellites that can support life.

To this end, we focus on the following topics; 1) to introduce chemical reactions into surface processes on planetary bodies (via laboratory experiments and modeling), 2) to expand understanding of biogeochemical cycles occurring on Earth to other planets (via geological field research and modeling), 3) to understand the feedback among the atmosphere, ocean, and life occurred in Earth’s history (via geochemical analysis and modeling), and 4) to apply the above understanding for interpretations of spacecraft observations (e.g., Cassini, Curiosity, and JUICE).